If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hot Fruit

I have spent all day trying to avoid the oatmeal raisin cookies I made for my grandma this morning, who is 96 and is allowed to eat whatever she darn well pleases. Yes, I finally did succumb, but it got me thinking about the need for treats and what can fill that sugar void in the land of Paleo. The obvious choice is fruit of course, high in natural sugars, but also packed with nutrients and permitted in moderation. I have found lately, especially since it is so cold outside, that hot fruit really satisfies that dessert craving. I have a couple of recipes I have posted lately including the protein blueberry pancakes, and the apple blueberry crumble. Here are some other great suggestions:

grilled fruit - pineapple rings, peaches,
baked fruit - apples, papaya, pears,
chips - apple chips, beet chips, sweet potato chips, parsnip chips
fried - bananas
microwave - blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

Take some time and experiment and let me know your favorite combinations. Try adding cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin pie spice, garam masala, nuts, almond flour/dried fruit crumble, coconut flakes, paleo granola. Also, try making your own applesauce or pear sauce. Skip the cookies and go for Hot Fruit!

1 comment:

  1. Steph, so great to have your blog back. Thanks so much. Brings back memories from this time last year.

    While not related to this post, where do you buy arrowroot powder and Calavo brand salsa?


