If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 60 - Thursday

5:00 - banana and sunflower butter

5:30 - crossfit w/o - 5x5 Push presses alt with wtd lunges. 78# on last set of push presses - could only do 4. WOD 21-15-9 Burpee box jumps, pullups 8:29 - kipped all my pullups - YEAHHHH. Dawn and Melissa H did too - great job ladies! Also ripped my first callous, feels like a right of passage:) Oh, also 3 1mile repeats around CFVP circle

7:30am - pumpkin chili, orange/beets/prunes

10:30 - larabar

12:00 - salmon mediterranean salad - breadco

5:30 - bison patty and steamed broccoli

8:30 apple and sunflower butter


  1. I'm lovin' the pull up bar in the garage! I wish I could put one in my garage, but we have an attic in our garage, so the ceiling is too low. Great job with the kipping! I'm getting more dead hang chin ups, but I can't seem to get the kip. That's my next goal, learn to kip! I think it's such a cool movement. Congrats on the ripped callous!!! I completely agree that it's a right of passage : )

  2. Rippid callous's rock...still waiting for mine. I have to say it was pretty cool to have all three of us do the WOD this morning with no bands!!!!!!
    Love the pull up bar!!
    Saw that you had the med. salmon salad at Bread Co - I am addicted to this - minus the Olives of course.

  3. My hands have been killing me since then - how are yours doing? I ran into jeff strobach at breadco eating the same salad - must be the signature crossfit dish!
