If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 28 - Sunday

7:00 Breakfast - tilapia, eggwhite vegi scramble, kiwi

9:30 - run/row challenge - Partnered up with Dan Furnas for a heart pumping 2mile run and 5000m row. 33:05 I think. Dan did not slack off on the running at all and helped us get a good lead which we were able to maintain on the row even though Alex and Lynn were breathing down our necks! Great job to everyone - it was a close race for all 5 teams and a great workout.

10:30 - protein shake with banana, coconut, 1 tsp sunflower butter, flaxseed

12:30 - lunch - 2 kfc grilled chicken breasts, carrot sticks 2 clementine cuties

3:30pm - blueberries and walnuts

6:00pm - dinner - 3 guac hard boiled egg halves (no meat on top - didnt have any - recipe to the side), leftover paleo chili, leftover butternut squash. Leftover night! Ok, going to try not to eat after dinner this week - wish me luck!!!


  1. Great job, Steph! While we have the same shoes, my pair didn't come with that added zip that yours did : ) Seriously, you are an awesome runner. It was great to see you in action and workout with you! Congratulations on a well-deserved win. Melissa K.

  2. Thanks Melissa, that was lots of fun. It was nice to finally do something that was kind of in my comfort zone. Everyone did a fantastic job - what a great group of people. I am so proud to be a part of this awesome community. Send me some dinner ideas for the week, Im losing creativity.

  3. Stephanie, Congrats to you and Dan! Sounds like I missed a good time. Don't lose your creativity! You are quite the cook. I do suffer "burnout" as well sometimes. It comes with cooking. LOVE that recipe for the eggs! Gonna post that one!

  4. Steph, don't think I can help you out this week. My creativity is on the back burner this week. I just ate some egg/grass-fed beef with pepper and onion concoction my husband came up with. It was really good Plus, it was nice to have a night off in the kitchen. An added bonus is he also does the dishes : )

    Because the butternut squash is a pain in the neck to cut~trying to cut it and not my hand, and going to TJ's all the time isn't possible, I bought frozen butternut squash. At first it reminded me of baby food. While not bad, I added some walnuts and cinnamon to it, and it was pretty good. Melissa K.

  5. Hey, also found butternut squash at dierbergs. Put a couple new recipes on my recipe page. Pork is good, brussel sprouts so-so
