If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5: - Friday

5:00am - banana

6:45am - egg white scramble with turkey, asparagus, mushrooms, tomato, spinach, avacado and 2 clementine cuties , vitamin, glucosamine, fish oil

9:30 - crossfit W/O - 3X5, 3X3 push presses - ending wt 73# -work in o/h squats with body bar.
WOD - Chico 21-15-9 box jumps, kb swings (35#), pullups(3/4in band) 7:18

11:00 - post workout snack - protein shake(BSN lean dessert protein - does include whey, soy, and aspartame- sorry!)with pineapple, mango, & water

12:30pm - lunch - salad with chicken, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, carrots, pecans, tomato, avacado, vinegar and oil and a kiwi. 2nd fish oil capsule of the day

3:30pm - kale chips blueberries and macadamia nuts

6:30pm - dinner - trout and steamed mixed vegis(elephant bar - very good and all paleo!)

8:30 - apple and almond butter

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