If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 7 - Sunday

7:00am - banana and almond butter

7:30 - Golds gym - work on pushups, pullups, and double unders. 10 minutes on hydromassager (tired today, not much energy - legs still dead)

9:00am - breakfast - protein shake with pumpkin and an apple, turkey breast

12:15pm - lunch - salad with rotisserie chicken, spinach, asparagus, tomato, avacado, carrots, pecans - asian vinagrette , 1 clementine orange

4:30pm - 2 crab cakes - melissa's recipe - YUMMMM! I served with trader joe's garlic mustard aioli - it was awesome! carrots and red peppers with guacamole

7:30pm - lean ground beef burger on roasted portabella mushroom cap with guac on top and butternut squash fries - again melissa I think? Even better than sweet potato fries. I seasoned with garam masala and they were perfect. Great superbowl eating and all paleo. Getting used to carrying my water bottle around all day and just refilling - going on 3 weeks now without diet coke - longest run ever.

For the most part this was a good week. I am enjoying all the cooking and the great variety of good quality foods. Energy level was not good for the weekend run but other than that have felt ok for weekday workouts. Hand calluses really hurting today - my hands are definitely becoming more caveman like:) If anyone is reading this I would love to hear about everyone else's first week.


  1. Hi! I'm reading : ) I just completed my 4th week. The first three days of this past week I felt awful. I had a stomach ache and was nauseous, which is not something I'd experienced. Thankfully, that has passed. I went to TJ's today and got the aioli mustard I read about on your blog. It's really good. I'm having some of it with a portobello 'shroom and some other goodies tomorrow~thanks for the ideas! I made coconut chicken curry tonight and coconut & walnut macaroons. Yes, I like coconut. Since I bailed on the Super Bowl party, I thought I would treat myself and the macaroons hit the spot!. I've sent the recipes to Dan. Have a great week!
    Melissa K.

  2. Steph, sorry that I have not been commenting on your blog..my computer at home is now fixed..so you will be hearing more from me.

  3. Steph, looking good! Couple of things..I would up your protein and lower your fat a little on your post/wo meal. The other thing is, make sure your getting quality supplements..ex)fish oils,vitamins and proteins. See me and I will direct you.
