If you have stumbled across this page, welcome to my Paleo Journey Blog . I am a health and fitness enthusiast who in NO way is an expert in nutrition or health science. I do, however, LOVE to eat and am happy to share the good, bad, and ugly of my expirimenting through the jungle of Paleo cooking. Please let me know what you think of the recipes posted by adding a rating in the comments section and feel free to send in new recipes through email.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday -

Rode to Crossfit and found out class doesnt start until 9 today! Rode around for an hour killing time and then headed back for a monster team WOD - some kind of battle or war name, can't remember. Fun set up though - here's how it went: team of 4(me, scott, john, and suzette) each row 500m (or run 400m) then off to "battle station" where we each had to do 15 burpees hopping over ab mat, 15 box jumps, 15 barbell thrusters(33#) and 15 kbswings(35#) then we went to first at war station had to choose between 50 toe to bar or 50 chest to bar pullups between the 4 of us (only 2 could go at a time). Then back to battle station (15 burpees, bj, kbswings, thrusters) then second war station - 50 cleans or 50 push press (we did push press 85#). then battle station 15 of each, then war station three (8 rope climbs or 12 muscleups - we did muscleups and we could sub three pullups and three ring dips for one muscle up) then back to final round of 15's. 33:33 was our time - whew!

That out of the way I rode back and had vegi omelet with becky and hung out at the pool the rest of the morning. The guys played golf and met us back about 12:45. At 2 we rode our weekly bike rentals back to the bike shop and headed to Johnny's on Atlantic to watch the usa/england soccer game and have some lunch. Tie game lucky goal for us, pulled pork and sweet potato fries and LOTS of iced tea - i think i might float away. Now everyone else is napping and I am totally hyped up on caffiene typing my trip highlights so I can recall this week some day since my memory is totally shot. Wish I had a video blog of my whole life, I can't remember anything!!

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